Retained Search Process
1. Accept the Assignment: We will only accept assignments that we are confident that we can successfully complete. Success requires focus. Focus requires selectivity.
2. Understand the Landscape: When we take on your search, we become an extension of your company and work hard to understand the intangibles – beyond skill sets, education and experience – that ultimately result in a successful, long-term match. Whenever possible, we meet with all necessary people on your team (CEO, executive management team, Directors, etc.), to understand the company culture, history, market environment, etc. and the dynamics of the open position.
3. Create the Search Strategy: We work with you to create an overall search strategy – Where to look for the right people and How to attract them to your company once we find them. This includes how to present your company and reasons to join your executive team.
4. Create the Position Profile: We work with you to create a position profile, including responsibilities and performance objectives, selection criteria, and how to best present the opportunity to prospective hires.
5. Recruit the Right People: Armed with the knowledge of where to look, how to attract them, and what kind of people fit your company culture, we contact the typically happily employed, top-performing executives, establish a working relationship, and generate an interest in joining your company.
6. Qualify and Screen Prospective Hires: Prior to being presented to you, we interview all prospective hires and screen them for background, skill set, personality and career objective fit. Whenever possible, we meet with the prospective hires and present only those that are appropriate.
7. Facilitate the Interview Process: We work with you to facilitate the interviewing process and follow up with both sides to work through issues and/or concerns.
8. Close the Deal: We work with you through the final selection process, perform in-depth reference checks, and facilitate the terms of the offer to the finalist. We work closely with both sides to insure that the offer is accepted.
9. Oversee the Transition: We stay close to the new hire through resignation, counter-offer, new start with your company and transition to becoming a member of your executive team.